Monday, June 14, 2010

SJVTS Community Outing

The entire SJVTS community trooped to Jasaan, Misamis Oriental last June 11 for its regular beginning-of-the-school-year-outing.   From Jasaan port, the group was ferried to White Island (a sand bar off the coast) by the huge fishing boat owned by the family of Fr. Raul Dael.  5 years worth of future ordinations were safely accommodated in the big (not to mention clean and comfortable) fishing vessel.  The community stayed in the island for mass and some recreation.  After which, the group proceeded to Basamanggas Resort for lunch and the usual program/ presentations.  The affair was as well, the community's celebration of National Independece Day. 

Captions (CLOCKWISE FROM TOP).  A lone outpost guards the Jasaan Sand Bar (a.k.a. White Island);  a view from one side of the deck; a lot of space inside the spic-n-span fishing vessel; new in the seminary????; Father Butch Zayas testing the waters;